You are about to embark on an exciting venture, your own boudoir photoshoot.  We want to make sure that this is an enjoyable experience, especially if it’s your first time. To ensure you’re well-prepared and can savor every moment without the stress of the unknown, we’ve put together a comprehensive checklist. Preparing for your photoshoot is a process that happens through several days and even weeks. For that reason we’ve broken it down into manageable tasks to make your experience smooth and enjoyable.

2-4 weeks before your photoshoot:

  1. Plan & order your outfits. Once you have selected a theme, start searching for outfits and place your orders as early as possible.
  2. Select & order your props. Order your props early so you get them on time.
  3. Schedule a hair and makeup artist for the day of your photoshoot
  4. Connect with us. Write down every question you have and contact us at or 888-907-0327. We are here to help.
  5. Explore our blog & YouTube channel to gather helpful tips for your upcoming photoshoot.

The week of your photoshoot:

  1. Get a manicure & pedicure. Attention to detail matters, getting your manicure and pedicure will ensure you look your best in your photos.
  2. Focus on skin care. During the week of your photoshoot make sure you give your skin some extra love by hydrating and exfoliating. Staying hydrated and getting plenty of sleep throughout the week is essential too. If you plan on tanning for your photoshoot we suggest you do it several days before your session. Depending on the method you prefer we suggest you do it 4-8 days before your photoshoot to avoid staining your clothes and to let your skin get a more natural look.
  1. Check your email. The Tuesday before your photoshoot you will receive an email from us with information about your photoshoot location and your photographer’s contact information. Make sure you review the location of your photoshoot so you can plan for the day of your photoshoot.
  2. Confirm your attendance. You will receive an email requesting you to confirm your attendance to your photoshoot. We ask you to confirm as early as possible.
  1. Write down every question you have regarding your photoshoot. Once you have your list you can contact us directly to get answers directly from our team.

The day before your photoshoot

  1. Pack a bag with all the essentials necessary for your photoshoot. Download our printable to do list to find a list of items we suggest you pack for the day of your session.
  2. Plan your parking. Review the location and plan parking arrangements for a stress-free session.

The day of your photoshoot

  1. Grab your pre packed bag. Ensure you have all your essentials packed and ready to go.
  2. Getting your hair and makeup done. Whether you choose to go to a professional or do it yourself, make sure you start early.
  3. Get in touch with your photographer. Upon arriving at the hotel contact your photographer to let them know you are at the hotel lobby.
  4. Enjoy your photoshoot!

We hope this guide is useful in your journey as you prepare for your photoshoot. For your convenience this guide comes with a printable checklist.


Cherié Amour Inc.



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